Новости международного отдела
Гранты, конкурсы (апрель). Подробнее
Уважаемые коллеги,
Информируем Вас, что Международный союз машиностроителей в 2015 году проводит ряд международных конференций, при содействии Международного союза машиностроителей ДонНТУ издает Международный научно-технический журнал на английском языке "Innovative and Information Manufacturing Technologies", ?2. Срок подачи статей до 20.05.2015 г. Более детальная информация приведена на сайте: http://iimt.donntu.ru Статьи публикуются во 2 и 3 номере журнала бесплатно. Ждем статьи. Подробнее
Требования к оформлению статьи. Подробнее
С уважением
Профессор Михайлов А.Н.
Михайлов Александр Николаевич, профессор, д-р техн. наук,
председатель Международного союза машиностроителей,
заведующий кафедрой "Технология машиностроения" ДонНТУ,
служебный адрес: кафедра ТМ, ДонНТУ, ул. Артема, 58, г. Донецк, 83001, Новороссия
Тел./факс +38 (062) 305-01-04, моб. тел.: +38 (050) 620-23-96
E-mail: tm@mech.donntu.ru mntk21@mail.ru
http://iumb.donntu.ru http://iumb.donntu.ru
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Уважаемые коллеги! В связи с неоднозначной ситуацией в стране, мы пересмотрели и изменили формат проведения Олимпиады. Теперь это будет дистанционный режим (скайп, электронный режим). Сроки Олимпиады остаются те же: 21 - 23 апреля. Непосредственно о процедуре проведения мы сообщим Вам позднее в Информационном письме ?2. На данный момент, если ваш университет принимает решение выставлять своих студентов на Олимпиаду, вам необходимо выслать на этот электронный адрес анкеты 2 - 3 студентов-участников Олимпиады, заверенные подписями и печатями университета (скан).
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Dear Colleague, Zagreb 07th April 2015
We are very pleased to announce the 7th International Conference Management of Technology - Step to Sustainable Production (MOTSP 2015) to be held in Brela on the Adriatic coast in Croatia from 10 - 12 June 2015 as a joint project organized by the Croatian Association for PLM and the Croatian Ergonomic Society.
According to the Scientific Committee recommendations and special accordance between MOTSP 2015 and journals Technical Gazette (
Mostly of presented papers would be nominated for publication in one of the journals which are mentioned on our website.
Deadline for submission full papers for MOTSP2015 is 15th April 2015.
1. Tadeusz Sawik, Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research and Chair of the Department of Operations Research and Information Technology at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland:
Title of invited lecture: "Scheduling in Electronics Supply Chains by Mixed Integer Programming"
2. Eric Min-yang Wang, Profesor at National Tsing Hua University, Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Taiwan, President of International Ergonomics Association (IEA),
Title of invited lecture: ''Ergonomics: An inseparable part in a sustainable production''
1. Award for the best paper in the young researchers category
2. The best paper presentation award
3. The MOTSP2015 best paper award
The first five participants paying the conference fee will be awarded with a surprise excursion.
Attached to this e-mail you can find the conference Second Call. You and your colleagues are invited to attend the conference and to present the results of your recent research activities in the scope of management of technology and sustainable production.
Please communicate this information to all colleagues in your organization who might be interested in this conference.
Conference topics are available in the First Call and at the MOTSP 2015 website:
Prof. Predrag COSIC, Ph.D., Chairman of MOTSP2015
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Mechanical nEngineering and Naval Architecture
Department of Industrial Engineering
10 000 Zagreb
Ivana Lucica 5
T: +385 1 61 68 340
M: +385 91 61 68 340
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Dear Alexandr A. Minayev,
We would like to invite you to contribute submitting an article to the Special Track on Engineering Education and Educational Technologies: EEET 2015 (
The submission deadline (of abstracts or paper drafts) is *APRIL 30th, 2015*. The other deadlines, as well as the other collocated events being jointly organized (with links to the respective topics and submission web pages) can be found at
WMSCI and IMETI proceedings as well as the proceedings of their collocated conferences or events have been *indexed by ELSECIER-SCOPUS* since 2005. WMSCI and IMETI 2015 proceedings will also be sent for their indexation.
With the purpose of fostering *Inter-disciplinary communications* participants registered at any conference or symposia can attend any sessions of the collocated events. Registered participants will also receive a CD containing the proceedings of all collocated events, and will have a password to access any virtual session of these events, so they can comment the papers presented at any of them. Each face-to-face session will have a corresponding virtual session.
Submissions for Face-to-Face or for Virtual Participation are both accepted. Both kinds of submissions 1) will have the same reviewing process, 2) the accepted papers will be included in the same proceedings, and 3) authors of the best 20%-25% papers will be invited to adapt their papers for their publication in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics with no additional costs, i.e. the respective Article Processing Charge will be waived for them.
Authors of the best 25%-30% papers presented at the conference (including those presented via virtual participation) will be invited to extend/adapt their papers for their respective publication in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (JSCI), with no additional cost. JSCI has been 1) indexed by EBSCO, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and in Google Scholar; 2) listed in Cabell Directory of Publishing Opportunities and in Ulrich?s Periodical Directory; and 3) Full versions of all published articles are permanently archived in WebCite (
Details about the following issues have also been included at the conference web site (URL given above):
? Pre- and post-conference virtual sessions
? Virtual participation
? Two-tier reviewing combining double-blind and non-blind methods
? Access to reviewers? comments and evaluation average according to eight criteria
? Waiving the registration fee of effective invited session organizers
? Best papers awards.
Authors of accepted articles submitted according to the deadline of this CFP will be invited to present another article with no additional costs to areas or topics especially selected by the Organizing Committee and oriented to foster inter-disciplinary communication or to address issues that are common to many, if not all, disciplines.
Best regards,
EEET 2015 Organizing Committee
If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please send an email to remove@mail.iiis-info2015.org with REMOVE MLCONFERENCES in the subject line.
Address: C.C. El Placer II, Office 5, Caracas, Venezuela.
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Основные тематические направления:
- деформирование материалов с дефектами, горных пород и угля с учётом фактора времени;
- механическое и взрывное разрушение материалов с дефектами;
- проблемы горной науки и практики;
- прогноз и предотвращение газодинамических явлений в шахтах;
- проявление действия метана в углепородных пластах и его использование, как отдельного энергоносителя;
- новые технологии и безопасность ведения горных работ;
- разрушение береговой полосы, оползни, сейсмостойкое строительство. Подробнeе